MedicineInsight research projects register
This register lists all projects which have been approved to use MedicineInsight data. The project summaries are sourced from the data access form submitted by applicants.
The projects below were originally approved by the independent NPS MedicineWise Data Governance Committee.
Recently published research
Project Publication Women's Reproductive Health Trends in clinical management of lactational mastitis among women attending Australian general practice: a national longitudinal study using MedicineInsight, 2011–2022 Establishing patterns of primary health care usage in cancer at end of life Primary care usage at the end of life: a retrospective cohort study of cancer patients using linked primary and hospital care data Breathlessness in Australia: Burden, Risk Factors, Causes, Patterns of Care, Outcomes and Cost Optimization Potential Acceptability and Feasibility of a Chronic Breathlessness Clinical Algorithm in Australian Primary Care Improving Australian National Diabetes Estimates Validating diabetes case definition algorithms using primary health care data Epidemic intelligence for acute respiratory infections using a general practice database Uptake of pneumococcal vaccines in older Australian adults before and after universal public funding of PCV13