National Hand Hygiene Initiative Help Desk – contact details
The National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) operates a Help Desk to support users of the NHHI Learning Management System (LMS) and the Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp).
The Help Desk team endeavours to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible. You will receive a response within 5 business days.
Before contacting the Help Desk
There is a range of resources available to assist you in relation to:
- The NHHI Learning Management System (LMS)
- The NHHI Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp)
- Auditor training and validation
Before contacting the NHHI Help Desk, please take the following steps to resolve your enquiry:
- Review the general NHHI FAQs
- For enquiries related to the NHHI LMS and access to the online learning modules, please review the LMS instruction documents for learners, organisation administrators and region administrators, as appropriate
- For enquiries related to the NHHI HHCApp, please review the HHCApp instructions and FAQs
- Contact your Organisation or Region Administrator (hand hygiene lead) within your health facility, local health district/network or corporate group
Contact the Jurisdictional Coordinator for your state/territory if your organisation is based in the public sector.
Jurisdictional contact details
If you are from a public hospital and health service in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland or Western Australia, please refer to the relevant contact details below:
New South Wales | |
Northern Territory | |
Queensland Health | |
South Australia | Hand hygiene in the healthcare environment - SA Health |
Victoria | |
Western Australia | |
If you are working in another state or territory or are from a private hospital, day procedure centre or clinic, educational/training facility or another sector such as defence or aged care, please contact the NHHI Help Desk (see information below).
In addition to the email support service, the Commission also operates the NHHI Help Desk phone line at 02 9126 3511 which operates between 10am - 1pm (AEDT) Tuesday to Thursday.
To avoid duplication of your enquiry, please do not call multiple times or send a second email if it is still within 5 business days of your initial enquiry.
During peak busy periods, you may experience difficulty accessing support by phone. If you are unable to leave a voice message, please access support via email. To ensure your enquiry is dealt with promptly and effectively, please include: full name, organisation name, contact email address and a brief outline of your enquiry. Please also be sure to state if it relates to the online learning modules within the Learning Management System (LMS), or the Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp).
Your privacy is important to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission). The Commission only collects and uses information about you (name, employer, training/education provider, email address) to implement the National Hand Hygiene Initiative. Your information may be accessed by authorised officers of the Commission to assist you with resolving any issues you raise with the National Hand Hygiene Initiative Help Desk. Authorised Organisation and Region Administrators from your registered organisation or training/education provider may also access your information and training records. Your state/territory Jurisdictional Coordinator (public health service organisations only) may also access your information for local Hand Hygiene program implementation purposes and to support you in using the NHHI systems.