Atlas 4 - Quad icon

Australian Atlas of Healthcare Variation Series
Getting the best outcomes for patients and reducing harm are the goals of the Atlas series. Each Atlas examines a series of health topics, investigates variation and the possible reasons for it, and provides specific achievable actions to reduce unwarranted variation.
Mapping variation is an invaluable tool for understanding how our healthcare system is providing care. Maps of variation in care, derived from information routinely gathered by the health system, show how healthcare use differs across the country and raise important questions about why this variation might be occurring. The aim is to prompt further investigation into whether the observed variation reflects differences in people’s healthcare needs, in the informed choices they make about their treatment options, or in other factors.
Each Atlas includes data, maps, graphs, clinical commentaries and recommendations for each chapter. These can be viewed or downloaded from links on this website.
Atlas Time Series Reports
The Atlas Time Series Reports show trend data on hospitalisation rates of hysterectomy and endometrial ablation, and dispensing rates for opioid, antipsychotic and antimicrobial medicines. The reports examine rates across Australia at national, state and territory, Primary Health Network and local levels.