Promoting and supporting person-centred care within healthcare organisations
Embedding a person-centred approach throughout a healthcare organisation requires the involvement of all staff across various aspects of the patient journey.
Explore the information and tools available to promote and support person-centred care.
Governing bodies, managers and clinical leaders all have a role to play in developing and supporting person-centred care within their healthcare organisations.
The role of governing bodies in leading, monitoring and ensuring organisational accountability for the delivery of person-centred care
The role of managers in leading and coordinating the workforce, and implementing well-designed systems and strategies to achieve person-centred care
Practical techniques to inspire members of the healthcare team and help them to connect with patients
Identify your strengths and development opportunities related to person-centred leadership
Assess whether the physical environment supports patient engagement
Clinical care
Person-centred approaches are crucial throughout the clinical care journey. Person-centred screening identifies patients who may be at risk of harm, and mitigates the risks for those patients. This guide is part of a series of Commission resources designed to support implementation of the Comprehensive Care Standard.
A guide to the benefits and implementation of multidisciplinary rounds from the US Institute for Healthcare Improvement
A consistent national framework for clinical governance, based on the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards
Consumer engagement
Consumer engagement can help to support person-centred care by identifying aspects of care that are important to consumers and opportunities for improvement in your organisation. This guide for consumers helps give a greater understanding of how to work in partnership with health services to make improvements to the safety and quality of healthcare.
Partnering with Consumers: Guide for consumers coming soon
A review of the benefits of patient-centred care, and successful approaches from Australia and overseas
A practical guide and resources from SA Health
An evidence-based guide from the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality